April, 2009 Archives

Stained glass window in Rome, Italy

Stained glass window in Rome, Italy

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Chiesa (Church)

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Part of a very memorable hiking trip several summers ago.

Part of a very memorable hiking trip several summers ago.

wordpress plugins and themes automotive,business,crime,health,life,politics,science,technology,travel

Stein Valley

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Forgotten nut and bolt left to rust by the river bank.

Forgotten nut and bolt left to rust by the river bank.

wordpress plugins and themes automotive,business,crime,health,life,politics,science,technology,travel

Under the Bridge

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Vancouver Convention Center at Night - Taken by my brother, Jordan

Vancouver Convention Center at Night - Taken by my brother, Jordan

wordpress plugins and themes automotive,business,crime,health,life,politics,science,technology,travel

Vancouver Convention Center

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Ferrari logo

Ferrari logo

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Italian Stallion

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Traversing through the Blackcomb glacier towards Sapphire-One

Traversing through the Blackcomb glacier towards Sapphire-One

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brings back memories..

Brings back memories

wordpress plugins and themes automotive,business,crime,health,life,politics,science,technology,travel

Snowy Endowment Lands

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HSBC Celebration of Light

HSBC Celebration of Light

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Spring Thaw

wordpress plugins and themes automotive,business,crime,health,life,politics,science,technology,travel


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